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A member registered May 13, 2021

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irori community · Created a new topic found a funny bug

during the end cutscene, if you drag an ingredient onto the table it goes crazy >:)

you probably dont even remember this jam haha

first try, 4350 with 28 dishes :) 

hey, vsauce, micheal here,

also i would love it if you would help :)

Hello there, I'm sorry for taking so long haha. I'm starting up the new jam! heres the link:

lot of stuff came up, and im not even sure if you will respond lol

I've tried to use that before but it didn't save


Can I use scratch? I can't use any other programming tools because I'm on a chromebook.

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Yes. I was actually going to start a new one soon! can you recommend some topics?

Well, it's on scratch, and there are going to be more levels eventually.

I'm also decent with music, but I don't have discord.

This is my project so far. What two genres do you think I tried to combine?

Sure, if you want.

I got the same ghoul 3 times in a row.

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made another one                                                                                    

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Mine looks like a gem fusion from steven universe, so I named her fusion. Well, at least she did as a toddler.

This game is in the cute tag.

I think I fixed it. It was stuck to only my schoolmates and teachers.

I can't go onto any other page for too long or else my project deletes itself.

I'm sorry, I'll try to fix that as soon as possible.

Do you wanna enter my jam? Here's the link.

If you have any questions, please submit them here. I will try to reply as soon as possible.

i have no idea how to do this

im gonna leave the jam

my project deleted its self

That sounds great!

how does this song sound?

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So now I have a game, it works, but it's bad. it is 8-bit though!

nevermind just figured it out

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How do you change the size of the construct 3 tilemap grid? It's 10 by 10, and I don't know how to change it.

Ok, thanks! I am on a school Chromebook, and it might be easier due to the limitation.

Ok, thank you, everyone! This is my first ever game jam, so the advice is apreciated. Can me and my brother work on this? I'm not good at visuals, and he is.

i guess i could leave a link in a javascript project with a tutorial.

I got the secret ending first.

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I have no idea how to code using regular coding programs, and I'm on a Chromebook. I don't think that I can download coding software on a Chromebook. By regular, I mean programs like javascript.